Wednesday, 8 December 2021

Summer and Winter Asphalt – The Main Dissimilarities

If you have been using asphalt for some time now, you would certainly know that there are a couple of different asphalts. Yes, there are and they are used by asphalt contractors Parramatta in different seasons. 

They are different information and yes, they also serve different purposes altogether. However, don’t think that there is too much of difference between them, but the only point is that to work to their best, they require totally different kinds of temperature setting. 

Otherwise, they look almost the same and also, they suffer the same kind of damages and also, from the same factors like weather-generated wear and tear and so on. 

Let us have a closer look at the main features, differences, etc. between these two different asphalts.


According to asphalt services Parramatta, as the name suggests, this version is used in the summer season and can be used for different purposes. 

Asphalting Services

In a majority of cases, asphalt contractors Parramatta use this type to pave large areas, including roads, driveways or parking lots. 

To prepare this one, the mixture is heated to around 79.5 degrees Celsius minimum and the maximum temperature could reach up to 163 degrees and the outcome of this heating is given the name of hot asphalt. The top USP of this type is that it can be applied directly to hot surfaces in hot summer days.


Then, we have this winter asphalt that experts say is used for rather smaller jobs such as potholes filling, crack repairs on roads, driveways, parking lots and so on. The main difference between this and the former one is that it dries rather slower when applied to colder surfaces in the cold climate. 

It is used in the winter season that is very clear from the name itself and another factor is that it doesn’t require any preheating or reheating before being applied for fixing smaller patches. 

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